FDW Business Practices During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Edited 3/26/20Please note that orders shipping to international destinations may see delays due to COVID-19 policies. While I am still able to ship out of the US to other countries, please check to make sure that your country is still allowing packages to come in from the US before ordering.

I am always committed to safe health practices within Fibernymph Dye Works, but even more so now during the COVID-19 pandemic. Please know the following:

  • In the dye studio, inventory areas, and packing areas, I’m practicing frequent cleaning and disinfecting routines.
  • Handwashing is happening multiple times throughout the day, especially before and during the packing of your orders.
  • My husband and I (the only two who reside here at FDW Central) are currently in good health and are taking appropriate measures as recommended by the CDC to assure (as much as is possible at this time) that we stay that way.
  • According to experts quoted in this ABCNews article, it is very unlikely that the virus could be transmitted via a mailed package. However, should either of us become ill, I will delay order shipping until I can do so as safely as possible. If order delays become likely for this reason, I will post a notice on the top of the website.
  • I have two yarn helpers who do some yarn prep work for me from their homes. In order to limit contact that could increase risk of infection for any of us, I have chosen to put a hold on meeting with them to swap yarn until it is safer for us to regularly meet again.
  • I will be making use of the most timely information and governmental recommendations with regard to vending at upcoming yarn shows. Should we need to withdraw from a scheduled show, or should a show be cancelled or postponed, we will note that at the top of our website and on our Events page.

Thank you in advance for your patience during this time, should any unavoidable order delays arise. It’s my hope that these practices will help to keep us all safe and healthy. If you have any questions related to this, please feel free to email me at fibernymph@gmail.com.

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