Author Archives: Lisa Cannon

Helping You to Get Your Yarn!

Whether you are in the midst of social distancing, sheltering-in-place, or being under lock down, you might be finding yourself with more crafting time on your hands. If you’re feeling like countering the stresses of this crazy time by casting on a new project with some new yarn, we’re here to help! Not only will we be adding a lot of our show inventory to the shop over the next several weeks, we have also introduced free shipping for all US orders over $50. No […]Continue reading

Allentown Fiber Festival Postponed

I just received word this afternoon that the AFF organizer has made the hard decision to postpone the festival due to CDC recommendations amid coronavirus concerns. Originally scheduled to take place on April 4 & 5, Kelly is working to try and reschedule the event for later in the year. I’ll update my Events page as more information becomes available. Difficult times, everyone…stay safe and be kind.

FDW Business Practices During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Edited 3/26/20 – Please note that orders shipping to international destinations may see delays due to COVID-19 policies. While I am still able to ship out of the US to other countries, please check to make sure that your country is still allowing packages to come in from the US before ordering. I am always committed to safe health practices within Fibernymph Dye Works, but even more so now during the COVID-19 pandemic. Please know the following: In the dye studio, inventory areas, and packing […]Continue reading

My 2019 Book List

Related to my 19 Favorites in 2019 video, here is a complete list of the books I “read.” (Honestly, these were all audiobooks, since I mainly “read” while I work, and the audio format works best for that! I did have some actual print books that I read parts of, as well as many magazines and online articles, but I’m not including those here.) I’m including a brief note or rating about each. Note that books marked with an asterisk were ones are Audible Originals […]Continue reading

19 Favorites of 2019

In this episode, I share 19 of my “favorites” from 2019. The categories are wide ranging, but I hope you’ll enjoy it! What are your favorites from this year? If you had something that really tickled you in the past twelve months, I’d love to hear about it! Please leave a comment here or on the YouTube video! (These may not be in the same order as I mentioned them in the video! And I’ve added a list of all of my audiobooks I listened […]Continue reading

2019 WIPs and FOs Round Up

My first December Special episode of 90% Knitting is a “revisit” of my WIPstravaganza endeavor for this year, expanded to also be an overview of the projects I worked on through all of 2019. Because there are so many, and because the description box area of YouTube has a limit, I’m posting the show notes here, outlining each project I shared in the video. I hope this is helpful! Thanks for watching! I’ve listed below the yarn and pattern info for the projects I showed […]Continue reading

Stitches Midwest!

Will you be attending Stitches Midwest is Schaumburg, IL next week? FDW will be there, and we can’t wait! It’s our first Stitches Midwest, and we’re really looking forward to seeing everyone from the central part of the country who we don’t get to see at all of our eastern area shows! We’ll be in Booth 219, and we’re bringing as much self-striping and gradient yarns as we can possibly dye up for you! We’ll also have some sock blanks at this show, as well […]Continue reading